A. No student may consume or possess any alcoholic beverages, containers, or bottles in the residence halls, or for student events in university buildings, or on any property or public location belonging to Mississippi University for Women.
B. The possession, sale, distribution or furnishings of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in the residence halls, or for student events in university buildings, or on any property or public location belonging to Mississippi University for Women for any student function.
C. Students who behave in an intoxicated manner as a result of the use of alcohol or require staff assistance shall be subject to disciplinary action.
D. The playing of games (or competitions) involving the use or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on the campus or at events sponsored or supervised by the university.
E. Common source containers are prohibited in residence halls and on University owned property.
F. Possession of any alcohol paraphernalia is prohibited.
G. Empty alcoholic beverage containers (bottles, can, etc.) are prohibited in/on University owned or controlled property.
Sanctions for Alcohol Offenses
Alcohol Policy Infraction
A student who is currently found guilty of an alcohol policy infraction, and who is not on probation for previous alcohol-related infractions will fact the following sanctions:
First Offense- The student will attend a meeting with a representative of the Vice President for Student Services. The student will receive a verbal reprimand, an alcohol policy flyer, and a description of the consequences for future infractions. The meeting will be followed by a letter which contains the same information, and the student will be placed on administrative probation.
Second Offense- The student will be required to attend the Drug/Alcohol Education Program, a letter will be sent to the parents/guardians notifying them of the student’s violation of Mississippi University for Women alcohol policy.
Third Offense- A student who is already on probation for alcohol infractions, and who is found guilty of any other alcohol infraction, will be suspended from the university for a minimum of ten weeks and not less than one semester (not to include the summer term) and will be required to attend the Alcohol Education program during the first semester of re-enrollment following the suspension. A student suspended under this portion of the policy will be placed on indefinite probation when he/she re-enrolls.