What are the rules?
STUDENT AFFAIRS OP 91.119: Sanctions for Alcohol Offenses
Date: May 3, 2009
To provide appropriate developmental/educational experiences for students who violate the university's policy regarding alcohol and to support the sections of the Student Code of Conduct which relate to alcohol.
It is the policy of Mississippi State University to maintain a safe and healthful environment for its students, faculty, and staff. Therefore, the university has established for students policies concerning alcohol use on campus. It is a violation of Mississippi State University Student Code of Conduct for a student to unlawfully possess, consume, or sell alcohol on campus. It is incumbent on students to become knowledgeable of these policies, whether for individual decision-making or for the planning of programs and events for student organizations.
1. A student who is currently found responsible for an alcohol policy infraction, and who is not on probation for previous alcohol- related infractions, will attend a meeting in the Dean of Students’ office in which the student will receive a verbal admonishment and a description of the consequences for future infractions. This meeting will be followed by a letter which contains the same information. In addition, the student may be issued one of the following sanctions:
a. The student may be assigned to an online education class covering the health, safety, academic, and legal consequences of alcohol misuse. Furthermore the student will be required to pass a test on the information provided by the website. The student may also be placed on probation.
b. The student may be assigned to attend a class conducted by the Center for Alcohol and Drug Education (CADE) housed at the MSU Student Health Center and may be placed on probation.
2. A student who is already on probation for alcohol infractions, and who is currently found responsible for any other alcohol policy infraction, may be suspended from the university.
3. If a student is already on probation for an offense not related to alcohol, and is found responsible for an alcohol infraction, it will be at the discretion of the Dean of Students’ office to link the two offenses.
4. If a student is under the age of twenty-one and is found responsible for an alcohol violation, a letter will be sent to the parent/guardian notifying them of the student’s violation of Mississippi State University’s alcohol policy.
5. If a student is found responsible for an alcohol infraction, that student will pay a fee as decided by the university.
The Vice President for Student Affairs is responsible for the review of this operating policy every four years or as needed.