Clothesline Project

September 15-17, 2015
MSU Drill Field 9AM-3PM

What is the Clothesline Project?

The Clothesline Project is a visual display that bears witness to sexual violence against women and men. The t-shirts are displayed on a clothesline to increase the public's awareness.

What is the purpose of the Clothesline Project?

Color Codes

YELLOW: Men and women who have been battered or assaulted.
RED, PINK, or ORANGE: Men and women who have been raped or sexually assaulted.
WHITE: Men and women who have died of violence.
BLUE or GREEN: Men and women who are survivors of incest or child sexual abuse.
PURPLE: Men and women who have been attacked because of their sexual orientation.
BLACK: Men and women who have been attacked for political reasons.

What happens to the shirts?

Health Promotion & Wellness keeps and provides storage for the shirts. Each year we display shirts made from past Clothesline Project events. All the shirts are confidential and have no ability to identify who made the shirt.

How can I get involved?

Come out to the MSU Drill Field and make a shirt representing a personal experience or in memory of a friend or loved one. The Department of Health Promotion and Wellness will provide a t-shirt, art supplies, and work space to complete your shirt. The event is (take out completely) free of charge for the participants. For this event to happen each year it requires many volunteers. The volunteers help with setup, clean up, and assisting the participants during the event's activities. If volunteering is something you are interested in doing, please contact (take out our) The Department of Health Promotion and Wellness! We would love to have your support!