Health Service Volunteer Spring 2020 Application

Dear MSU Student,

Thank you for your interest in the Health Service Volunteer Internship Program! We are currently accepting applications for the Spring 2020 semester. If you would like to apply, please complete the form below.

In order to be eligible to be a Health Service Volunteer Intern, you must meet the following criteria:

Nutrition / Positive Body Image
Cancer (Skin, Breast, Testicular, Cervical, etc.)
Alcohol and Drug Education / Impaired Driving
Sexuality / STIs / Safer Sex
Mental Health / Sexual Assault
General Wellness

Please read the following:

  • Commit 5 hours per month, for a total of 20 hours per semester, to volunteer work with the Department of Health Education and Wellness.
  • Attend at least one HSV meeting per month.
  • Join the HSV Facebook group in order to stay current with all events and announcements.
  • Keep a personal record of all hours gained in addition to turning in a premade timesheet to the supervisory graduate assistant.
  • Obtain the signature of a Health Education and Wellness staff member or graduate assistant at each event attended.

Please type your Initials stating that you agree to the above