Become a Graduate Assistant


The Department of Health Education and Wellness has an average of three to four Graduate Assistantship positions that we fill on an as needed basis when our current graduate assistants graduate to move on to promising careers. We look for energetic and hardworking individuals in any major to become part of our team. The main responsibilities of these positions include leading programs, presentations, and campus wide awareness campaigns for varies health topics.

A few of the topics our graduate assistants cover are alcohol and drug education, tobacco cessation, stress management, cancer, men and women’s health issues, sexual health and responsibility, nutrition and fitness.

To be considered for an assistantship you must be officially accepted to graduate school, a full time student, be available for some night-time programming and be able to commit at least one year to the position.

If you would like to be considered for a position please fill out a Graduate Assistantship Application on the Division of Student Affairs Website at: and submit it along with your cover letter and resume to: or mail to Campus Mail Stop 9732.

U.S. Mail:
Leah Pylate, Director of Health Promotion and Wellness
University Health Services
P.O. Box 6338
Mississippi State, MS 39762