Facts to know about Impaired Driving [Link to NHTSA.gov]
- TOTAL number of traffic deaths annually: 32,000
- Part of that total number are the number of impaired driving traffic deaths: 10,000
- 10,000 impaired driving deaths a year = almost 30 deaths a day which is 1 death every 48-50 minutes
- In 2011, there were reported to be 12.6 million licensed drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 years old
- Adolescents, ages 15-20 years old are the leading age group for deaths with motor vehicle crashes
- A DUI can cost up to $10,000. That is the price of:
- 23 iPads (at $430 each )
- 33 Kate Spade handbags (at $298 each)
- 14 Mopeds ($700 each)
- 2,352 cups of Starbucks coffee (at $4.25 each)
- Do you have money to waste on the costs of a DUI??
- How do you stay clear of impaired driving?
- Make a commitment not to drink and drive
- Do not combine alcohol and drugs
- Plan ahead: before starting your night, have a sober ride home
- Take turns with your friends on being the designated driver (only persons 21 and older should be consuming alcohol)
- Never ride with anyone who has been drinking